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Oklahoma / Metrc Onboarding FAQ | Part II

Written by Amanda Drapes on Apr 21, 2021

April 30th is just around the corner, and as OMMA licensees across the state of Oklahoma rush to get their Metrc accounts set up and get inventory added we've continued to see a strong flow of questions, some confusion, and growing interest in how its all going to work post onboarding.

  1. What are METRC / OMMA requirements for daily tasks (watering, fertilizer, prune, waste weight tracking during pruning and de-leaf phase(s)
    There are no daily tasks assigned to you, just timelines on the submission of actions tracked. Waste is the only action that must be entered
    There are no daily tasks assigned to you, just timelines on the submission of actions tracked. Waste is the only action that must be entered same day, all other actions tracked must be entered within 72 hours of the physical action occurring. Waste is defined as anything taken from a cannabis plant, and is required to be 'rendered unrecognizable' prior to disposal.

    Your watering, fertilizing, and nutrient programs are not something required by Metrc.

  2. What is the difference between Plant Batches and Plant Groups?
    A plant group is the initial group your plants are created in and kept in while in the immature phases in Metrc. In GroLens we utilize these plant groups throughout the entire growing lifecycle in order to provide a more efficient/easier process and experience.

    A batch id is applied to your plants upon harvesting. Plants that are harvested together are grouped into a harvest batch from which you are able to package your dry weights. Note: Batches are supposed to made up of plants that are of the same strain and run. Harvest batches cannot be combined prior to packaging however you can combine your packages post-harvest to create multi-packages etc. 
  3. What is the difference between computer vs mobile app functionality?
    The GroLens App provides cultivators the ability to scan their plant's Metrc Tags and apply actions to those plants in real-time without leaving the garden. This also applies to the Harvest process where users have the option to utilize a bluetooth scale in order to quickly weigh and submit individual wet weights to all their plants with a scan and click!

    Most all actions available on our Grow dashboard are available on the app however, the Sell-side is currently view-only on mobile, and in order to create packages or manifests you will need to utilize your web dashboard.
  4. How is a “bought” clone vs grown clone tracked and tagged?
    The processes of creation are completely different.
    Bought clones will be accepting in your metrc which will populate packages from the nursery transferring them. You will use those package tags to create new plant groups. As plant groups are created from your packages, the number of clones 'planted' will be removed from the count in the package.
    Clones taken from mothers are created from the mother plant in GroLens. In OK, the mothers will be individually tagged in Veg, so when you cut clones you will go to the plant group with Mom plant, go to more info, select the plant, then hit clone. This is basically creating a new plant group of clones. In this process you will be required to "use" a package tag for creation per Metrc's guidelines.
  5. Can we arrange dashboard by room vs grow cycle?
    You can switch views which will allow you to view by room in a list view. To do this, click the email dropdown menu up in the right-hand corner of your GroLens dashboard and select Switch Grow View
  6. Can GroLens provide link to beta site/mobile app to use during onboarding? Prior to going live?
    Unfortunately, this is not something that Metrc provides any 3rd party so the only beta testing available is backend through a sandbox. We have tried to reach out to them requesting things like this but unfortunately its currently a no go. The process will mimic the current process in GroLens though considering we build the platform to be used as a more simplified version of Metrc, but to still meet the demands of Metrc.
  7. How do we pay for plant and package tags?
    You can find information on ordering plant and package tags here.
  8. How many plant and package tags can we have? Being used vs Inventory?
    You will see your ordering limitation when you go to Metrc > Admin > Tag Orders > New Order. 

    Currently, during beginning inventory/open setup, users are able to submit multiple orders back to back for tags to ensure you have the number of tags required on-hand to be compliant by the 30th.

    Once the open inventory setup has ended (april 30th) you will be limited to ordering only the amount available as listed there, and will only be able to order more once the ones you have on hand have been assigned to plants in Metrc. So basically, as they are assigned to plants in Metrc, they will become available to order more. If you 0 tags available to order, then assign 500 tags to plants in Metrc, those 500 tags will become available to order again.
  9. Does GroLens offer Bar Code, RFID or Bluetooth scales to assist with data collection and entry? If so how does it work and what are the costs?
    Yes, we have a bluetooth integration for Ohaus scales. It requires a bluetooth connector, but once setup you can basically scan the plant tag, weight the plant, press a button on the scale and it will automatically push the weight to GroLens assigning it to the scanned tags plant.

    You would need an Ohaus scale with Bluetooth Blue Snap RS232 Adapter 
  10. Are there GroLens functions that do/do not align with METRC?
    There are many optional features in GroLens that are not required to be tracked or utilized but will help your facility maintain process and gain insight on your plants, production, and processes. There are also a few features we are still working on building out as they are not features Metrc offers access to. However, we have worked closely with them to get the thumbs up on building these features out on our end in order to better our users experience. Here is a quick reference that will outline what is tracked and what we offer.
  11. Does GroLens have video tutorial that highlights one plant throughout the life cycle?
    We dont have a full lifecycle video, however we do provide s tutorial list in sequential order broken down by phase that should do the trick! It will walk you through all growing actions and how to utilize each feature in order to maintain compliance.

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